
Thursday, 9 January 2014 – Dinner

Coconut Noodles Coconut Noodles

What did I eat? Coconut noodles

Where from? Elmhurst Aunty

How much did it cost? $6

How was it?
A few warnings about plastic containers before I go on about the food. As I was emptying the coconut curry into a pot, I was squeezing it a bit too hard since I was too lazy scoop out the chicken that was clumped up at the bottom. Turns out, the normally soft plastic gets very brittle when taken out of the fridge and when I was squeezing the chicken down, the container shattered. Fortunately, I did not cut myself but made a mess in the kitchen (which was quickly cleaned up before the wife returned home).

Normally a container of the coconut curry is sufficient for 2 servings but this time, Aunty didn’t give us enough curry so I added a bit of water before reheating it; also add the fact that I spilled a bit when the container shattered. It’s not the best coconut noodles but it was tasty. It needed a bit more coconut flavor and be more creamy, but I like that there was a lot of chicken. I had some noodles left over since I prefer my noodles soupy.

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