
Saturday, 18 January 2014 – Dinner

Pineapple juice Brie sandwich

What did I eat? Grilled brie sandwich with smoked duck breast and fig jam. Pineapple juice (probably from a cheap bottle)

Where from? Bubble Lounge

How much did it cost? $14 for the sandwich and $3 for the juice

How was it?
We went out tonight to the Bubble Lounge to throw a surprise birthday bash for a friend’s 30th. All I had to eat was the bacon and eggs for breakfast so I was ready to eat. I wasn’t expecting decent food either since it’s not really a restaurant. As the name says, the place specializes in fizzy drinks, ie. champagne. We had reserved space for 15 people and they gave us plenty of room; the only requirement was that we had to spend at least $25 per person, which we easily did. The place also seemed to cater to an older crowd; most of the crowd seemed to be in the 30s, if not older.

I wanted apple juice but turns out they only have OJ, cranberry or pineapple. Pineapple juice became the drink of the night for me; I thought I had 4 of them the whole night but ended up drinking only 3 according to the bill. It was good juice but that’s about it.

The brie sandwich was very good, I must say. I didn’t quite taste the duck breast though. The sweet flavor of the fig jam overwhelmed the duck, in my opinion. Nonetheless, it was a great sandwich. The presentation was a bit deceiving though. The sandwich was cut into strips, like Jenga blocks, and made into a tower with a hole in the middle filled with the leaves. Sneaky bastards! The salad was just a simple lettuce with some balsamic vinaigrette.

Rate it!
5/10 for the juice, 7/10 for the sandwich, 8/10 for the lounge


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