
Saturday, 26 April 2014 – Dinner

2014-04-26 20.24.40

2014-04-26 20.39.28 2014-04-26 20.38.52

2014-04-26 20.24.53 2014-04-26 20.24.46

What did I eat? Sashimi for me. Random sushi rolls for HH

Where from? TJ’s Asian Bistro

How much did it cost? $50

How was it?
We first came across TJ’s when we used to live in Woodside. They had the best price for sashimi and they still do! $20 for 20 pieces of fish, plus rice and soup. The fish are very good quality too. I’ve had my fair share of Midtown Japanese lunch fish which are so-so but TJ’s is a notch above them. I wouldn’t call their fish Sushi Yasuda quality but for $20, I’ll gladly take what they give.

The disappointing thing about the sashimi deluxe these days is that they changed the presentation of the dish. Previously, they would have all sorts of things happening on your place. Every time I used to eat there, it would be a different arrangement. Sometimes it’s some sort of a garden decor with some bamboo and grass. Other times, there would be like a flower vase with a rose in the middle. But my favorite piece was when they had a piece of dry ice in water in the middle of the plate and it was very foggy. That was hands down the best presentation I’ve ever seen.

The white fish is the tastiest piece of fish in the assortment. I’m still not sure what fish it is but it’s so milky and rich. The salmon was OK. The tuna is mighty fine! The other pieces are also very fresh and tasty. I try to do as Jiro instructs by not dipping in soy sauce but call me uncultured, I still need to dip my fish in sauce with wasabi!

HH had an assortment of rolls. I don’t like these fancy cooked rolls. Just give me my fish raw. Only thing cooked I like is the eel. The rolls were decent if you like cooked stuff. I wouldn’t order them personally.

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