
Airline/Airport food

Korean Hot sauce KE82 Cheesecake icecream

KE81 KE82

Milkshare at Yangon Airport Incheon Airport

 KE82 KE81

Some of the airline/airport foods I ate during my trip home. Korean Airlines has one of the best inflight meals, in my opinion. Although I think the last meal I had didn’t sit very well with me after the flight. That bottle of hotsauce makes everything taste vibrant up in the sky! It also helps that they have a free flow of snack in the common area on the plane, in case you’re having the munchies; unlimited brownies, honey roasted peanuts, Shin Ramen cup noodles and assorted drinks.

The milkshake from the Yangon airport was mediocre. It’s basically chocolate milk and it wasn’t even rich. The Incheon Airport has very good meal options; Korean, Japanese, Italian, KFC and Burger King.
