
Sunday, 12 January 2014 – Lunch

Sliced beef White beef soup

What did I eat? Sul Long Tang (white ox-bone soup with rice and noodle) and Soo Yook (thin beef brisket)

Where from?  Gahm Mi Oak

How much did it cost?  ~$30

How was it?
I’m a fan of Korean food, except when it comes to their noodle dishes. I think they do their meats very well but I’ve yet to acquire a taste for their noodles such as naengmyeon or japchae.

The dish came in a very white broth as you can see. The soup is very bland, as indicated in the menu. This is good as well as bad. For those who like to fix their dishes according to their own tastes, this is perfect; add as much salt, scallions, kimchi, etc til you perfect it. For a person like me who prefer to eat what’s given to me, this is a chore. Regardless, I added some salt and kimchi to add some flavor to the soup. The noodles were delicious but… there was rice at the bottom. I DISLIKE RICE IN MY SOUPS! I like congee/porridge where the rice turns to mush but I don’t like it when you can still feel the rice grains. All in all, I think the noodle soup was pretty light but it’s definitely an acquired taste.

On the side, we ordered some thinly sliced brisket. This was top notch. It paired very well with the kimchi and I enjoyed it. It would go well over rice too.

Rate it!
5/10 for the noodle soup and 8/10 for the brisket
