
Saturday, 18 January 2014 – Breakfast

Eggs Scrambled eggs

Bacon Bacon

Bacon, eggs, toast Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast

What did I eat? Bacon, scrambled eggs with tomato and toast with butter

Where from? Homemade

How much did it cost? Who’s tracking…

How was it?
Since I was going to be watching 3 matches of football, I decided to make a hearty breakfast. Only thing I was missing was either a tall glass of orange juice or a sweet cup of milk tea.

The scrambled eggs needed some onions – eggs + tomatoes + onions = WIN! I also misjudged the amount of sugar so the scrambled eggs turned out really sweet, almost like pudding. But I enjoyed them anyways.

Cooking the bacon in the pan was a mistake. I think I prefer my bacon microwaved. Less oil splattering and I can get the right level of crispness.

The toast is just simple white bread toasted and smeared with some butter.

Rate it!
7/10 (anything with bacon deserves at least a 7)
