
Thursday, 23 January 2014 – Lunch

Shrimp cury

What did I eat? Shrimp curry and rice

Where from? Woodside Aunty

How much did it cost? $6 per curry but sufficient for 3 meals.

How was it?
We haven’t ordered from Woodside Aunty in a while due to the weather and just bad timing on our part; she takes orders only for Wednesdays and Saturdays and we end up forgetting to order for those days. Plus the weather has been crappy and she said she wasn’t able to cook on some weeks.

This is another traditional Burmese curry. Just some shrimp made into a curry with some shallots. Growing up, I didn’t particularly like this curry as much. But these days, I think it hits the spot very well. Normally we order the large shrimp curry but apparently there’s a shortage of the large shrimps which Aunty normally cooks, so we ended with the smaller ones. The perfect way to eat this is to take some warm, fresh rice and pile on the shrimps, together with a bit of the oil/gravy; mix the rice up with the oil (as you can see in the yellow tint in my rice) and chow down!

Rate it!
8/10 Perfect combination for a lunchbox for work.
